Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Meet the Child Care Council Staff

Introducing Sharon L.
Melissa @ Kids Matter
            I am proud to introduce Sharon; Administrative Assistant in the Louisville office located in the L&N building. Sharon has been with the CCC since they began managing the CCAP contract in July 2012. She has more than twelve years of CCAP experience. To describe Sharon is easy; she’s funny, lovely, generous, and sweet. When our clients come into the office, she is one of the first people they will encounter. No client could say they had a bad experience with her. She’s always smiling and appears happy, even when she’s not. I cannot think of a person more fit for their job than she is.
            I was excited to interview Sharon because of her infectious personality and her incredible weight loss. She’s lost over 100 pounds in a little over a year. While she doesn’t know the exact amount, because she prefers not to focus on the numbers, she is proud of her success. When asked what began her weight loss journey, she replied that she was tired of being tired and tired of not being able to chase her granddaughter around. She also mentioned that previous weight loss attempts failed because she was doing it for her family rather than herself.  Now, she’s in it for herself and the better quality of life she has. She admitted that she did do it, in a small part for her husband, because she, “…didn’t want him to watch her die”.
            Sharon completely changed her lifestyle. She stopped eating things that weren’t good for her and replaced them with fruits and veggies. She traded tea and soft drink for water, which she admits, “…was extremely difficult because I do NOT like water”. She says when she first began her weight loss, her only goal was, “…not to gain any more and everything else was a bonus”. Sharon also mentioned that when the CCC gave employees Fitbits, it really changed her way of thinking. She said that the Fitbit, “brought my attention to how much I wasn’t doing,” in terms of walking. So, she got up and she got walking!  The weight started to melt away. Sharon now does three miles per day on her elliptical and averages 17,000-20,000 steps per day. What an inspiration! Watching Sharon walk around the office and get ‘steps’ in wherever she could, has been inspirational to several people in this office, including me. She said, “Walking is great and I really need it because there’s a party in my head and it relieves my stress”. Jillian Michaels, weight loss trainer, was a huge inspiration to her.
            Sharon is married with two sons and one daughter, and two granddaughters, who are her life. She’s a new ‘empty nester’, but states that, “…there was no sadness in that… well maybe for a hot minute, but not really”. She loves going to the lake in the summer with her grandchildren and just being outside. Sharon’s advice to us is, “Never look at yesterday as a failure, it is only a lesson learned for tomorrow”.

1 comment:

  1. Sharon is such an amazing and inspirational woman. I am proud to call her not only my co-worker but my friend!
